
Written by Mislav Miličević

Learn how to use Hibernate in a type-safe manner without unnecessary complexity.
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Written by Julia Gustafsson

If you're a Java developer who’s been longing for a more streamlined and intuitive way of querying databases, similar to the elegant LINQ constructs in C#, then you should check out the open-source
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Written by Julia Gustafsson

Writing Hibernate queries using the Criteria API can be anything but intuitive and comes at the expense of wordiness. In this article, you will learn how the JPAStreamer Quarkus extension
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Written by Per Minborg

A large proportion of Java database applications are using Hibernate/JPA to bridge the gap between Java and SQL. Until recently, we were forced to mix Java and JPQL or to
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Written by Per Minborg

Our newly launched open-source project JPAstreamer allows you to express Hibernate or other JPA database queries using Java Streams. In this article, we will show you how to extend the
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Written by Mislav Miličević

Well designed databases are normalized to reduce the redundancy. This separates the data in a plethora of tables and you must rely on the JOIN operator to reconnect the dots
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Written by Mislav Miličević

Since their introduction in Java 8, Streams have become a turning point for Java. Streams introduced a declarative approach to Collection processing which makes its API extremely easy to use,
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Written by Mislav Miličević

Java has been a purely imperative language for the majority of its existence. With the release of Java 8 back in 2014, a more declarative approach was introduced to the
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Written by Per Minborg

It is safe to say that the Microservice + Cloud combination is all the rage these days. Microservices are being developed more than ever, in turn resulting in an increase
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Written by Per Minborg

As developers, one of the most cumbersome tasks we often face in our day-to-day lives is writing good and understandable documentation. It doesn’t matter if our documentation is only a
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Written by Per Minborg

Java14 Records in Joins Did you know that you can join database tables into a Java Stream with Java 14's preview record feature? Read this short article and find out
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Written by Per Minborg

As each year passes it is becoming nothing but obvious that the Spring Framework is one of the most widely used web development frameworks for Java. With the next decade
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